Happy new site!


Perfectionism is an unhealthy thinking habit that I battle (and have for years). This does not mean that when I finally post a blog entry, record a podcast, or take a photo, I think it is perfect. It means that I always wish it were perfect, but I have given up and posted it anyway.

The way to overcome perfectionism is to embrace “good enough.” One way of doing this is to stop fiddling and fretting and just pronounce a project finished, or at least, finished enough. Today, much to the relief of Hayley and Adam and Joe and their colleagues at Hitcents.com, I have finally said the new website is finished enough. They have done a good job of helping me “dream it real.”

There were a few things that didn’t work out the way I wanted. For example, if you posted comments on the old blog, they didn’t get transferred over. That doesn’t mean I didn’t save them for my own reference; I did, and I cherish them. Thank you for posting them. And please feel free to comment away on the new blogs. Uh, whenever that feature is working. It may or may not be today.

I am not a designer, which was obvious to anyone who visited the old site. I am also not a techie by any stretch of the imagination. It may take a while for things to go just the way I hope and expect here, and I beg your indulgence while we work out any kinks. If you notice something that doesn’t work or looks hinky or is misspelled, please let me know! There is a nifty new contact page for just that.

I am still loading up some of the older blog posts. Eventually, everything from January, 2013 will be available, as well as all of the podcasts. I could have waited until it was perfect. Say, until three years from now. Or longer.

Welcome. Look around. Tell me what you think. And come back often.

Adam? Hayley? Joe? It’s finished enough. Push that button and let’s launch this thing!